2011年10月我們的小型聚會 @ 蛙咖啡

泰國CDS之旅 X 沿著菊島去旅行 X 鏡頭下的德國日記

2011年9月 我們的小型聚會-生活賣場

Dixit 妙語說書人 vs. 竹山小鎮之旅

2012年11月30日 星期五

A road different from mine...

A Road Different From Mine

      A film is only a combination of frames per second, but a movie is a story made into visible action. When I first got the assignment to film a story on a young man whom has a passion for music, I thought to myself, “it should be easy…just take a few shots of him playing guitar…it should be fine”, so I immediately agreed to take up the challenge. After a month of filming, I must say, “challenge” is nothing short of what this assignment actually turned out to be, it was not “easy” at all. Why? Be patient, I’ll get there! A few weeks have passed, since the first time the production team got together to draw out the blueprints of this project, and I am confident in stating that we are 20% complete with this project. 20% sounds minimal to many, but to me, the process and experience I have retained from completing that 20% was equivalent to that of a roller coaster ride; it was overwhelming…in a good way : )

     Before I get into the emotional part, let’s start with the basics. The subject of this film is a young man, called Gioreno, striving to succeed in the brutal world of the entertainment industry in Taiwan. He has talent, he has the looks, he has the heart and most of all, he has the passion; but why don’t we see him on the magazine of ELLE, GQ, or Vogue? Why do I never read about him and his affair with another female celebrity on a gossip magazine (壹周刊), read by every person, hung in every bookstore rack in Taiwan? The answer is not a million-dollar question; it is just simply because he chose to be a “star”. The mainstream definition of being a “star” is basically having multiple endorsements, 10,000+ fans, 3+ record labels, owning a nice car, and lastly, feeling arrogant. The indie definition or the true definition (at least to me) of a “star” is something quite the opposite. Please see below for my definition of a “star”:

Star /stär/ (Noun)

A person that shines light on another’s darkness, through the means of entertainment.

Samples sentence: Gioreno is a star, every drop of his passion lifts the mood of another’s unhappiness.

Synonym: Gioreno

     So how was the process of filming this “star”? Well, besides the technical difficulties and the loooonnnnnnnnngggggggg driving hours, it’s quite cool. How cool? Pretty darn cool.

     Let’s start off with my first trip to Taoyuan, to film Gioreno and his band’s (Overdose) competition. I remember on the way to the competition, Tracy and I got lost and probably got off the wrong highway exit at least a gazillion times, but of course, we eventually arrived at the destination. Upon arriving at the destination, my camera was locked and loaded; Tracy and I marched gloriously towards the entrance (or so we thought) of the stadium. It was not long until we realized that we were at the wrong entrance! I remember the entrance we first stepped upon was deserted; there was no one. We looked at each other blankly, wondering, “what on earth is going on? Are we at the wrong place?”

    It took a while for us to find the actual entrance, but eventually we did...thank god. I will not get into the details of filming their performance, because I must say, the highlight of that day was definitely not the performance, but rather the KYC session with each band member.

    Filming was the initial purpose of this trip, but it turned out to be something else that blew my mind that day. I realized that every single member of Overdose had a story of his own; and each story had one thing in common: “zero gravity”. The reason I say this is because, for these 5 band members, the sky was the limit, there was nothing pulling them down; I could see it in their burning eyes. The only g-force stopping them from reaching the “star” was their courage and diminished passion. But no worries, I didn’t see any sign of that happening.

    Nearly all of these band members make a living by doing part-time jobs, they don’t earn a monthly salary, and they most certainly do not get by easily. But each band member doesn't whine about the hardships of life; they see it as a driver to continue their passion…

    I remember filming them sitting in a circle on the grass field just outside the stadium, and it wasn’t long until I realized there was a special bond between each member of Overdose. They seemed like one whole big family; it recalled my high school days in TAS. They radiated a sense of serenity and calmness. To put it in more practical terms, they weren’t here only for the competition, but for the journey. Who got first place or second didn’t really matter to them at all, or to be more exact, the 300 K grand prize was just a stack of blue paper that stinks, nothing more. What mattered most to them, was every second they spent bonding, fighting together for recognition; I sincerely respect that.

   Now, the climax happens at Gioreno’s house. Before we went up to the house, I was quite nervous about the outcome of this interview, or to be more exact, I was worried it would be awkward. I remember as Tracy and I walked into their apartment, there were a few seconds of awkward silences as we sat down; we looked at each other, hoping someone would start the conversation. Anyway, eventually the conversation kicked off, and surprisingly, Gioreno’s mother had more to say than we expected! I am sorry I cannot go into the details, since I don’t want to be named the “spoiler”. But I must say, his mother had a story of her own. She used to be a choir singer, and she travelled around the world to perform, and it wasn’t until she faced upon health issues with her lungs, did she stop singing. We asked her some questions and enquired about her attitude towards his son’s path on pursuing a musical career; she was extremely supportive. It is hard for me to believe a mother can be so supportive of her own flesh, her own blood, pursuing a dream that is nearly impossible to be successful in. My mother would probably leave me out to dry if I ever brought up the idea of going into the entertainment industry…X_X

    During the interview I felt a sense of motherhood, looking over Gioreno; I was touched. Therefore, a sudden surge of courage crawled up my spine, causing me to ask, “can the mother and son sing a song together?” Initially, I expected Gioreno to reject (because I would…), but he said “Sure, why not?” without a second thought. Now, if you want to listen to their duet, be patient, because you probably won’t hear it until 2013…

    The past two trips of filming were fun, adventurous, and most of all, I got to know this world better. Before Gioreno, I only saw the world from one perspective, and it was the mainstream perspective. You might ask, what is the main stream perspective? Well, from a mainstream perspective, we see the world as a place where we try to fit in the “formula”, or we make the safest bets; we never leave our comfort zone. Overdose and Gioreno introduced me to a whole new world, where people seek any possible way to leave that comfort zone.

I am determined to make a great film for this guy…he’s definitely worth it…

I am confident to state that this film will be a big hit in 2013, no scratch that…it’s going to be a HUGE hit in the theaters.

To be continued…



媽媽談起喬魯諾青少年時期的瘋狂,印象最深刻的就是,那年念高中的時候,喬魯諾去參加野台開唱,結束的時候,媽媽開車去接他,一直找不著喬魯諾的身影,就在幾乎快要放棄的時候,發現一雙看似喬魯諾的鞋子,喔,原來兒子清秀的臉已經被“鬼畫糊”成“閃靈”的屍妝,從那一刻起,媽媽的心裡, 已“驚“知道,喬魯諾要走的是一條“不一樣”的路了。

其實媽媽對喬魯諾的關愛和支持,從小就可以看出是一種相當開明開放的態度。在喬魯諾小學四年級的時候,有一天老師通知媽媽說,喬魯諾的數學一直有學習障礙,甚至直接向媽媽表明“沒救了”或是接近“放棄”的偏見,媽媽立刻把他帶回家,因為喬媽媽認為, 即使對功課的興趣少於常人,也不能以功課代表孩子的全部。多數人認為努力唸書,學歷好念到博士,就代表“人生”的成功,是啊,死板的220K生活,是不錯的選擇,但她的孩子只是剛好要過“非常人”的日子吧了。


20 歲那年生日,媽媽對喬魯諾說,”現在翅膀硬了,你可以自由的飛翔,盡情地飛得更高更遠………..”




注視鏡頭的眼神,Overdose 散發出屬於自己的獨特魅力。一頭“綠髮”的是團長,Kit,Overdose的靈魂人物,幽默搞笑是他的專長,一頭長髮的Base手,Henn,話少但永遠是保持微笑的“好人”臉,聲音低沉但頗具磁性的金髮小子,也是第二主唱,Kalis,最喜歡大聲說話,也最會帶動氣氛,頂著一頭細細金髮的鼓手,小恐龍,每每講到好笑的事,他就來個 echo,好像打鼓的重節奏,伴奏着大夥愉快地交談氣氛,前排坐在地上的喬魯諾,是最認真的一位,儘管團員們互相吐曹,但他依然誠懇地回答我預先設好的問題。


2012年11月19日 星期一

遊學於澳洲布里斯本Brisbane X Dora

Brisbane隸屬於澳洲東北方的昆士蘭州,有著宜人舒適的氣候,是我第一次造訪澳洲所選擇城市的主因,十月份Jacaranda的花期,隨處可見公園或道路的樹點綴紫色的花,填滿空間的香氣,是我初到這城市第一眼吸引我的自然景象。Brisbane由Brisbane river環繞著的城市,可乘渡輪作為每日的大眾交通工具,沿著蜿蜒的河道,可見河岸兩旁的建築與風景,以及各有春秋的朝夕景色風光,自在的享受層層襲來的微風。當然,毫不擁擠的城市與整潔的市容,時常可見寬闊的綠地與公園,慢慢的緩和我這位外來客從原本急躁講求效率的速度,不自覺開始放慢的腳步,逐漸遺失的憂煩與焦慮,並轉換為享受旅遊生活的心情。

在Brisbane可見其文化、藝術活動與歷史建築的生活娛樂,Southbank的文化藝廊兼具所有美化藝術、圖書館展覽及戲劇舞台,與穿越紅花所設計的藤架走廊的人工沙灘形成對比,後方磚道更有許多河岸旁的景觀餐廳,顯示Brisbane市民更懂得享受慢生活的樂趣。透過Victoria Bridge到越河的另一邊即是主要商辦以及皇后街購物區,當中,不論是Southbank人行磚道的手工藝術市集,Casino古建築對面的是市立圖書館前的Brisbane Square亦有不同時段市集參觀。此外,New Farm的公園廣度以及舊電廠改良設計成室內工業文化空間的Powerhouse,是我認為享受藝術的最佳環境,能讓人如沐在音樂、現代藝術、攝影、視覺效果、電影的獨特空間裡。Brisbane於各時節的創意活動,正巧於十月萬聖節日造訪,幸運的參與了Zombie Walk的驚奇與Valley Fiesta的中國城音樂盛會。

到Brisbane能享受海灘風光的景點很多,首選最近的Gold Coast,可赤腳走在沙灘上享受陽光下美麗的海灘,Gold Coast聞名的衝浪者天堂,也讓自己鼓起勇氣報名衝浪教學課程,更有各項意想不到的水上活動。在一個月的假期中,除了選擇坐船到更遠的Moreton Island享受遼闊藍海的島嶼休閒,參加刺激的滑沙與新鮮的餵海豚活動,也坐長程巴士到最受背包客歡迎的Byron Bay,看看美麗的海灣與著名的Lighthouse景點,滿足了我對陽光、沙灘、海邊優閒度假的癮。

